Our commitment for the future starting now
Values at the root of change

Controlled Change for our PLANET
We want to take care of the Earth that hosts us, trying our best to leave it healthier. We are committed to protecting, restoring and promoting a sustainable use of the Earth’s ecosystem. We shall be planting trees until 2030 where most needed, reducing CO2 emissions and supporting the communities of people who will take care of our trees, which will be beneficial to them, to the place, they live in and to the whole planet.

Controlled Change for our PEOPLE
Along more than thirty year, our personnel has been representing the living heart of Tecninox, without them, today, we simply could not think about the oncoming future. For their sake and for all of them who will join us, we will establish Healthcare and Work Safety Projects and Initiatives, Development and Well-being plans in favor of single individuals and groups, removing any diversities and promoting gender equality.

Controlled Change for our COMPANY
Tecninox is our home and we can make a step forward towards change and the creation of a sustainable future each day. In the next years, we have plans to develop substantial structural changes with and increasing use of renewable energy sources and the conversion of our vehicles to hybrid or electric ones. We will furnish our company with plastic-free items and create ‘green lungs’ to be taken care of. We are very plastic-free oriented.
Tecninox forsest is born.
Among other commitments, we have undertaken a collaboration with Treedom International within the Controlled Change project. For each equipment we install, trees will be planted all over the world. Together with Treedom, we have reduced the amount of Co2, favored biodiversity and supported rural communities. The future springs from change.

MARCH 2022
People here at Tecninox are members of the same team: we work in synergy, sharing ideas and expertise, trying to learn from each other’s experience and adding new competences and skills to the company every single day.
We want our clients and suppliers not only to collaborate with our company for business purposes, but also to establish a fruitful and permanent relationship of trust.
People here at Tecninox are members of the same team: we work in synergy, sharing ideas and expertise, trying to learn from each other’s experience and adding new competences and skills to the company every single day.

People here at Tecninox are members of the same team: we work in synergy, sharing ideas and expertise, trying to learn from each other’s experience and adding new competences and skills to the company every single day.
We want our clients and suppliers not only to collaborate with our company for business purposes, but also to establish a fruitful and permanent relationship of trust.
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